5 Tips To Refresh Your Environment & Boost Your Energy

With the year's end rapidly drawing closer, there has never been a superior opportunity to survey your present circumstance. You might wish to think about objectives in your profession, funds, family or wellbeing - however there could be no greater spot to begin than your current circumstance itself. Your actual climate can incorporate your home, work environment, or even your vehicle. Anyplace in which you invest a lot of energy - or see consistently - is an extraordinary spot to begin.  Studies show that our actual climate can profoundly affect our general prosperity and surprisingly our emotional well-being. Spaces that are perfect, clean, and mess free are bound to assist us with remaining sound and propelled. In any case, where do you begin? With our five basic yet successful tips underneath, you can revive your current circumstance, help your energy, and even feel better on schedule for the beginning of another year or the bustling happy period! 1. Clean An extraordinary init...

5 Tips for Answering Job Interview Questions Teacher

Questions that are often asked during job interviews as a teacher may be different from other job interviews. This is usually based on the behavior interviewer wants you to be when you teach as a teacher. For that, consider following tips for answering job interviews as a teacher!

5 Tips for Answering Job Interview Questions Teacher

1. Teaching experience

Also show how you evaluated the teaching results. Yes, no teacher is perfect. It is in this learning evaluation that you as a teacher can identify which aspects of teaching need to be maintained or changed. 

2. Idol teacher figure

On several occasions, you will be asked who and what you think about your idol teacher. This question is asked to find out how motivated your teaching is. So, prepare the best answer by giving examples of teachers you admire. 

3. Challenge

Usually there will be questions about what challenges a teacher will face. Besides, how capable you are of seeing things like that in the big picture. Therefore, being diligent in reading and knowing the latest issues related to government policies, educational developments, teacher allowances, and so on is very important. Discuss with a cool head how you think about facing this challenge.

Related - Interview questions and answers for leadership

4. Social media

The teachers of today must be following the times, right? There must be many teachers who have social media. Use social media as a place to find and share information related to teachers. If so, it's best to clean up first so the recruiter doesn't find anything "weird".

5. Strengths and weaknesses

Recruiters are looking for teachers who are capable of becoming learners. In explaining the strengths you have, give answers that are broad but still related to the field. For example, it can work with a team, under pressure, conflict management, time discipline, and so on. Try being diplomatic, such as "I can't express myself in public. However, I always try to make up for that flaw." So, on the downside, avoid answers that sound bad, like being lazy. Talking about your weaknesses means that you have self-awareness and insight to improve. Always try to describe the efforts you made to overcome the deficiency.

Teacher Interview Questions

  • What interests you about our school?
  • How do you deal with students who are usually late?
  • What would you say to angry parents about their child's grades?
  • Are you interested in leading after-school activities?
  • If you saw a child being bullied in your class, how would you deal with this situation?

Answering Job Interview Questions

What can you do to ensure that your candidacy is given careful consideration for teaching work?

During your interview, you should do more than just provide general responses to the questions you ask. The best candidate will be able to explain how they qualify for the job, and why they are a good fit for the school.

This makes it easier for hiring managers to make decisions when applicants explain why they would make good parents for the school.


always honest in answering any questions asked. Be kind and professional to everyone you meet. You won't know if one of the people you pass is a recruiter or a student. Don't forget to dress well! Good luck!


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